“The OC” Human Trafficking: Women & Children Ordered ‘Like Pizza’ In California

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Sexual abuse perpetrated against a child is a deplorable reality of living in a sin-stricken world. The psychological, emotional, spiritual, and physical damage of the abuse remains long after molestation has ended. The Bible speaks vehemently against hurting children and against sexual sins and perversions of all kinds. It also offers hope for healing and forgiveness.

According to DataUSA the median income in Orange County California is $86,217.

And upon doing a little research, a lot of that money is being spent fulfilling the needs of dirty old men, and women, who partake in sins of the flesh with children.

California’s wealthiest areas are an absolute hotbed for human trafficking.

Here’s more from The Epoch Times:

Orange County, Calif., which boasts a median household income of $86,000, is often viewed as a relatively safe, wealthy, and conservative region. Most people do not equate the area with human trafficking. However, researchers reveal the county to be a destination spot for traffickers.

The official Orange County Human Trafficking Task Force (OCHTTF), set up to fight real-time sex and labor slavery in the county, released its latest victim report in 2019. Approximately 80 percent of both victims and traffickers in Orange County travel to the area from other parts of the region, the state, and the entire nation.

“This is due in part to Orange County’s tourist attractions, sports venues, beach cities, and affluent population,” states the report (pdf). “Traffickers bring their victims expecting to have an abundance of customers and higher profits.”

There were 415 human trafficking victims rescued in the county in the past two years, compared to 509 in 2015-2016 and 371 in 2013-2014. According to the OCHTTF report, a full 73 percent were new victims in 2017 or 2018. Of that total, 87 percent were trafficked in the sex trade while 12 percent were in forced labor.


Daily Titan claims that the majority of human trafficking victims in the entire nation end up in Orange County:

The Orange County Human Trafficking Task Force in collaboration with police departments in cities countrywide has made significant progress in the battle against human trafficking in the county since its formation in 2004, according to the 2019 report from the task force.


The task force worked with 60 participating organizations to help increase education and training, further anti-trafficking efforts and tend to the complex needs of victims.

Human trafficking, coined by the United Nations as “modern slavery,” is defined as the act of trafficking by means of threat, use of force, deception or coercion for the purpose of exploitation.

In July 2018, countywide sex-purchaser sting operations were conducted by the task force and collaborating police agencies to address the county’s human trafficking problem. Around 80% of human trafficking victims and traffickers from across the country come to Orange County, according to their report.



This is just another reason to get the hell out of California.

Even The LA Times admits the problem is out of control.

We have reasons to be proud of.

Orange County is ranked among the healthiest counties in the country and is home to some of the wealthiest large cities in America.

However, the grandest irony of all is that we have a reason to worry that is staring us in the face — not that our stable economy will fail or that the natural beauty of our sandy beaches will disappear, but that our youth will become victims of sex trafficking.

Given the recent reports in our own backyard, we need to become knowledgeable about the issue and change the way we think about sex trafficking. This problem resulted in a domestic and global large-scale trafficking system that was set up in Irvine.

The 2017 and 2018 victim demographic report from the Orange County Human Trafficking Task Force reveals 365 sex trafficking cases within our county. These women are minors and minorities, many ridden with poverty that keeps them entrapped with limited opportunities to leave and receive support.

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The LA Times acts like they all chose this lifestyle.

Sometimes it is chosen for them.

Remember the story from earlier this year about the human trafficking arrests in California?

Much of what happened in Orange County.

The lowlifes in Orange County, CA are driving an entire industry in this country.

Around 80% of human trafficking victims and traffickers from across the country come to Orange County

It might not be a bad thing if Iran, South Korea or China decide to drop a care package on this hellhole.

Where’s Putin when you really need him?

Bad joke, I know.

Think hard about it America.

80% Of The Victims Of Human Trafficking In The Entire Country End Up In One California County. Source


“Human history is the long terrible story of a man trying to find something other than God which will make him happy.”

Caring for children is spoken of highly in the Bible. For example, James 1:27 says that caring for children in need pleases God: “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” Ephesians 6:4 says, “Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.” Psalm 127:3 calls children “a heritage from the Lord.” Jesus’ interactions with children (notably in Matthew 18) demonstrate the value God places on them. The Bible speaks often about caring for the weak, poor, and needy—and this would include at-risk children (Proverbs 14:3117:519:1731:8–9). Followers of Christ are consistently called to love others. Molesting a child can in no way be mistaken for love.

The Bible also speaks strongly against sexual sin. Sex is a gift given by God meant for marriage. Sexual perversion of all kinds is soundly condemned. Sexually assaulting a child is never justifiable; it is always wrong.

StevieRay Hansen
Editor, the127.org

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Wish List For The Kids



Evil men don’t understand the importance of justice, but those who follow the Lord are much concerned about it. ~ Proverbs 28:5

Jesus come quick, there is nothing left in society that’s sacred….


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My life's mission and life verse come from Psalm 68:5-6 where God reveals Himself as a Father to the fatherless. Our heavenly Father is the One who "sets the lonely in families and leads prisoners out of captivity and into prosperity."

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