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U.S. Institute Against Human Trafficking president and co-founder Kevin Malone is raising awareness on how human trafficking is occurring in America and how people should be “outraged” about it. The organization is behind the country’s only…
Read MoreJames 1:27 New King James Version (NKJV) 27 Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble and to keep oneself unspotted from the world. The Wish List, Items We Need…
Read MoreThe degree to which God and His Word are pulled out of society is the degree to which evil is released unrestrained into society. The work and mission of the Church are to restrain the mystery…
Read MoreGod never says, “Thou shalt not have fun, nor shalt thou smile in all thy days.” Having a good time is not a sin, but we should pay attention to the principles God has laid out…
Read MoreThe Bible also speaks strongly against sexual sin. Sex is a gift given by God meant for marriage. Sexual perversion of all kinds is soundly condemned. Sexually assaulting a child is never justifiable; it is always…
Read MoreAs society eliminates God from our culture, our schools, and the public square, the consequences are hell on earth for our children The most searched for terms on the internet are related to pornography. Pornography is…
Read MoreHNewsWire-We reported early this year that most states cannot give accurate numbers on those children that have gone missing. They have money for every useless project one can imagine, but can’t keep up with a precious…
Read MoreHNewsWire- Step UP Dads! Lead Your Families. Figure out what to do, how to solve problems, and yes, fix important things. Always protect your children from harm. Why? If your little ones glimpse confusion and uncertainty…
Read MoreHNewsWire-The danger is not just in far off places. It lurks within the U.S. foster system, too. In testimony before Congress, a young woman who spent her childhood in U.S. foster care explained why children without families…
Read MoreHNewsWire-The foster care system is broken. Children go from house to house never knowing what home really means. They are taught that it’s best not to make friends because within a short period of time they’ll…
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