Most people will never be rejected by their family, outcast and alone at 14. Most people won't be threatened, stalked and then almost murdered by the mob. Most people will never serve time in a maximum-security prison.
But everyone has gone through trauma and devastating disappointments.
In this riveting memoir, StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids.
"I realized that there was a powerful connection between forgiveness and prosperity." Author StevieRay Hansen says. "When I finally forgave my parents from my heart, it seemed as though whatever had blocked prosperity came unplugged."
"It's hard to describe the difference that forgiveness has brought. It's like winning a lottery ticket. You can hold onto the ticket - with all its promise - or you can cash it in and claim your new life."
If you're facing the impossible and want to be reminded that God can do anything - read this book! The author will take you on a white-knuckle ride that proves that God can take your biggest messes and turn them into masterpieces of His grace. StevieRay Hansen's story will not only keep you turning the pages, it will inspire you to belive that no matter how badly you've been hurt, no matter how far from God's perfect will for your life you may have wandered, He loves you...and He can help you find your way home.
~Gina Lynnes, New York Times best-selling ghostwriter
Please help me help these kids (orphans) that are in trouble! PLEASE, 80% of our book sales go directly to: 127 Faith Foundation.
StevieRay Hansen's book is now Available on Amazon
Upon Aging-Out of Foster Care
Males Imprisoned within 2-5 years
Females Imprisoned within 2-5 years
Males Imprisoned after 5 years
Females Imprisoned after 5 years
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