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Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA). Image source.
A new study has just been published in the journal Child Maltreatment: The Effect of CASA on Child Welfare Permanency Outcomes.
The present study is the largest and most rigorous study to date on the effects of being appointed a Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) on permanency outcomes of children in foster care. The intent-to-treat study accounts for selection bias by applying inverse probability weighting to logistic and sequential logistic regressions in a large sample of children in foster care in the state of Texas (N = 31,754).
Overall, children appointed a CASA have significantly lower odds than children without a CASA of achieving permanency. They have lower odds of being reunified, greater odds of being adopted (if not reunified), and lower odds of being placed in permanent kin guardianship (if not reunified or adopted) than children who are not appointed CASA. (Source.)
Richard Wexler of the National Coalition for Child Protection Reform writes that this is the second large-scale study done on the effectiveness of CASAs, the first one being published back in 2004:
Back in 2004, Youth Today revealed the results of the most comprehensive study done to that point concerning the most sacred cow in child welfare: Court-Appointed Special Advocates.
CASAs are overwhelmingly white overwhelmingly middle-class amateurs sent into the homes of people who are overwhelmingly poor and disproportionately of color. The amateurs then tell judges what decisions to make and, to a frightening degree, the judges rubber-stamp the recommendations. Though CASAs almost always mean well, their only real “qualification” typically is their white, middle-class status.
What could possibly go wrong?
Plenty, according to that 2004 study. The study was commissioned by the National CASA Association itself, which thought it would show the world how successful the program is.
But it didn’t. Instead, the study found that having a CASA assigned to a case prolonged the time children were trapped in foster care, and made it less likely that children would be placed with relatives instead of strangers – even though multiple studies have found kinship foster care to be far less harmful to children than what should properly be called stranger care. (Source.)
Not getting the results they expected, the national CASA organization did not conduct another study, but Texas CASA did, 15 years later. And according to Wexler, “Those results are even worse than the results from the 2004 study.”
Wexler goes on to say that it is time to defund the CASA program.
CASA might have a useful role to play in child welfare – if it were converted into strictly a mentoring program for foster children, without allowing these usually white, middle-class amateurs to tell judges where those children should grow up.
But in its current form, CASA should be pulled off the market.
It’s time for Congress, which helps to fund CASA, for the judges who appoint CASAs and for the well-meaning people in the programs themselves to stop.
Stop denying children the chance to live safely in their own homes.
Stop denying children the chance to live with their extended families.
Stop denying children permanency. (Source.)
Read the full article here.
A Texas Judge, the Foster Care System, and CASA Attack a Drug-Free Ministry, the 127 Faith Foundation, the Corrupt System That Is Ruining Our Nation’s Children. Among Other Things, The Texas Judge or his Associates, the Pharisees CASA Wanna-be advocate for Orphan Told Caseworkers at Foster Care the 127 Faith Foundation Was Closed down and Was Not Accepting Orphans, a Blatant Lie. Why Would This Judge Not Want a Child (Orphan) to Be Placed in a Facility That Is Drug-Free God-Fearing Bible Believing Organization? All I Can Say, ” Reprobate Mind “…. It’s Dangerous to Hurt God’s Children in an Effort to Make Oneself Look Good.

When society elect (Judges) ignores the law, lawlessness is the result, and chaos ensues. The time of the judges after Joshua’s death was marked by upheaval, oppression, and general disorder. The biblical historian puts his finger on the reason for the tumult: “In those days Israel had no king; everyone did as they saw fit” (Judges 21:25). The riot in Ephesus is a good example of lawlessness in action (Acts 19). The rioters were confused and unsure even of why they were rioting (verse 32); in their lawlessness, they were ignoring proper legal channels (verse 39) and, of course, breaking the law (verse 40). They will rehearse their good deeds done in His name, only to hear Jesus declare them to be “workers of lawlessness” whom Christ never knew (Matthew 7:23, ESV)
The Department of Family and Protective Services, the parent agency of CPS, is the main defendant in the suit. It has been under fire for letting children linger in foster care for years because their birth families remain unsafe and no one wants to adopt them. The agency too often yanks them from home communities and sends them far away, causing new traumas, experts have said.
Families are being abused by State CPS and Family Courts throughout the United States of America, this is a major issue that needs to be addressed, Families that have had their civil rights violated through family court proceedings and the fact that all due process and constitutional rights are violated and manipulated by family court judges, District Attorneys, and Commissioners of /social services departments as well as CPS workers, and court-appointed attorneys that are not working for the clients but have helped incriminate parents. Also of extreme interest, is obtaining names/phone/location of CPS workers who are falsifying or have falsified documents in court and who have lied in a court setting. The people of New York State, Texas, Kentucky and the People of the United States of America demand a full investigation of all departments, and the termination of the department until further the people also wish to sue for government entrapment as well as a suit brought against the caseworkers, family court judges, and district lawyers. People through discovery have found them to be “workers of “lawlessness”
Children growing up without families are the most vulnerable beings on our planet. They face a greatly elevated risk of virtually every evil known to man, from disease to starvation. This is especially true with regard to human trafficking. Without the protection of a family, a child becomes an ideal target for exploitation. Source
StevieRay Hansen
Editor, the127.org
Evil men don’t understand the importance of justice, but those who follow the Lord are much concerned about it. ~ Proverbs 28:5
Jesus come quick, there is nothing left in society that’s sacred….
#teachers #childabuse #sexcrimes #children #schoolteachers #sexwithchildren # Judges
Source: Health Impact News The127FaithFoundation HNewsWire

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