Our Mission

The 127 Faith Foundation is a registered nonprofit, 501(c)(3) ministry that seeks to rescue distressed orphans and young adults who have aged-out of the foster care system. Our name, mission and urgency come from the New Testament Book of James, Chapter 1, Verse 27.

James 1:27, Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. (NIV)


Our Strategy

Step One - Welcome

Young adults who have aged-out of the foster care system or were raised as orphans may qualify for our program based on recommendations from Child Protective Services or District Attorneys. 

Step Two - Stay Awhile

The orphans live on our ranch near Pontotoc, TX. Their personal residence is a super-cool travel trailer. We purchase these with the hope that they will stay with us for up to eight months.

Step Three - Grow & Heal

During this time, we mentor them in basic life skills and teach them how to take on the responsibility of working for a living. We also provide spiritual guidance and emotional support.

Step Four - Launch!

Now, the exciting part! The 127 Faith Foundation will move the travel trailer and the orphan to a city of their choice where they can find employment. We will also give them reliable transportation to begin their new journey. 

StevieRay Hansen Image Pic

The Founder's Story

“I want to start an orphanage,” I told Laura over dinner one evening. “Not necessarily an orphanage, but something like that.”

“That’s real hard, Honey,” Laura replied. “Let’s just give to them.”

That didn’t seem like enough to me. I couldn’t help but wonder what would have happened to me without Buck and the other cowboys who became like family. Without men like Robert who kept stepping into my life to help me...

The more I learned about the plight of the kids leaving foster care, the more concerned I became. Most of them didn’t have a support system. One study found that within a year of leaving the foster care system, 66 percent of the kids were homeless, in jail or dead. A staggering 80 percent of the prison population had come out of foster care. Girls in foster care were 600 percent more likely than their peers to get pregnant before age 21.

From, A Long Journey Home. Purchase on Amazon.

Upon Aging-Out of Foster Care


Males Imprisoned within 2-5 years


Females Imprisoned within 2-5 years


Males Imprisoned after 5 years


Females Imprisoned after 5 years